August 24, 2013

Getting Back Into The Swing of Things

Last week I said I'd fallen off the wagon - well I'm well and truly back on - yipeeeee!!!!!

I joined the gym today and I will be there tomorrow morning bright and early - my goal is to run the 10k in the Gold Coast Marathon next year, I know that its 11 months away but believe me I need the 11mths to train for it.

So I am going to start with the Couch to 5k running program then go on to the Couch to 10k program - now its what it says it is - a program for couch potatoes who have never run before to run 5k/10k - so it fits me to a tee.......

I'm feeling really positive about it and starting to feel great again.  I am going forward in leaps and bounds.  I have moved into my own place, have a  new job and as mentioned last week I have started dating again....big nervous step forward that is - its been a long time since I've been dating.

I love my new house its great - and my mums partner made me this lovely sign to put in my kitchen

Isn't it just fabulous - I love it.  My grandson has one for a night light in his room.  If you'd like to have a look at others he has made just click on this link....

So I'll let you know how I go at the gym and if  - no not if how (positive thoughts)  my first week in the C25K program goes .....  Wish Me Luck!!!!!

This week I'm linking up with Grace from "With Some Grace"  for FYBF.......

1 comment:

  1. All the best Kellie , sounds like you've got a solid plan in place :) Visiting from FYBF!
