August 24, 2013

Getting Back Into The Swing of Things

Last week I said I'd fallen off the wagon - well I'm well and truly back on - yipeeeee!!!!!

I joined the gym today and I will be there tomorrow morning bright and early - my goal is to run the 10k in the Gold Coast Marathon next year, I know that its 11 months away but believe me I need the 11mths to train for it.

So I am going to start with the Couch to 5k running program then go on to the Couch to 10k program - now its what it says it is - a program for couch potatoes who have never run before to run 5k/10k - so it fits me to a tee.......

I'm feeling really positive about it and starting to feel great again.  I am going forward in leaps and bounds.  I have moved into my own place, have a  new job and as mentioned last week I have started dating again....big nervous step forward that is - its been a long time since I've been dating.

I love my new house its great - and my mums partner made me this lovely sign to put in my kitchen

Isn't it just fabulous - I love it.  My grandson has one for a night light in his room.  If you'd like to have a look at others he has made just click on this link....

So I'll let you know how I go at the gym and if  - no not if how (positive thoughts)  my first week in the C25K program goes .....  Wish Me Luck!!!!!

This week I'm linking up with Grace from "With Some Grace"  for FYBF.......

August 15, 2013

I've Fallen Of The Wagon - BIG TIME!!!

Firstly I apologise for my lack of blogging during my detox in Thailand - but in summary it was the best money I have ever invested in anything.  I would highly recommend it to anyone considering a reboot or a change of lifestyle.

I had the best time, met some amazing people - all there for different reasons, made some great steps forward to making a new life for me, and mentally it was great for me also - I was able to concentrate just on ME - what more can I say it was amazing.  So if you get the chance please go - I will be returning for sure.

BUT and this is a big BUT!!!!  I have fallen off the wagon big time.  I am eating all those bad things that I used to eat and I feel like a blimp - I don't think I look like one yet but I certainly feel like it.  I have put on about 4 of those 16 kgs that I lost - so I guess that it not all that bad.



There have been some amazing things happen in my life since I last blogged.   I have a new job which I love, I have moved into my own place which is fantastic - first time I have lived alone for a long long time.  And since my marriage break up I have made some amazing steps forward as far as my mental health is concerned and I have entered the realm of internet dating!!!!! This needs a blog entry of its own believe me!!!!

I am happier than I have ever been - but the sugar and fat have sneaked back into my diet which I am not proud of - this is how bad it is - I ate a PIE for my lunch yesterday.

So I am back to my blogging to make myself yet again accountable for what I put into my body.  So I need your support and lovely comments again to keep me on the right path.

My mission today is before I leave work I will have joined the gym - I have set myself a goal - get this......I want to run the Gold Coast Marathon next year.  I have 12 months to train for it and believe me I need it.  For anyone who knows me, I have hated exercise all my life and have done anything to get out of it - so this will be a huge thing for me if I accomplish it - but there will be no IFS and BUTS - I WILL DO IT!!!!

Until next time.

Today I'm linking up with Grace from "With Some Grace"