December 30, 2013

Reboot Day 1-3

Well I'm finally doing it - the big reboot for 2014.  I'm following Joe Cross's 10 day reboot and I'm on Day 4 and so far I am feeling great. 

I am finding that there is so much food that I am having trouble eating it all - but I am trying to as I know that its important.

I have my brothers wedding coming up in February so I have to be looking hot.... I have also purchased a fat cavitation machine to work on myself.  I purchased a package of 13 sessions from a beauty salon and its made such a difference to my body its amazing.  So yesterday I fat blasted (as I call it) and I wrapped myself.

Wrapped Myself - yes!!!!  I have now started selling the It Works Body Wraps.  Yes I was sceptical but I have tried them and they do work - so I will be looking fab come the wedding.

I've been walking every day for an hour - which is really good for me.  I hate exercise - but its growing on me.

So now I'm off to eat my salad.

December 26, 2013

Getting Ready To Reboot

Well this is it - make or break I say..... I've decide to embark on Joe Cross's 10 day reboot - and right before New Year - I figure that Mondays and January 1st are a bad omen to start anything.....

My brother is getting married in February and alot of my school friends are going to be there so I want to look great - and I've been TOLD that I have to get up and do a reading .....TOLD not asked - just great so now I have to look really great..  There used to be 6 months to the wedding now there is only two months - not quite sure what happened to those other 4 months - I must have passed out or something.....

I've done most of my shopping - I will finish it tonight when all the boxing day crowds are gone.

Wish me Luck.....

Day One here we go.......  I will blog daily to make me accountable for what I do - so I need your support yet again.......

Thanks xxxx