January 4, 2013

Day 3 - Feeling Not So Good

Well its Day 3 - and I'm not feeling to flash.  I managed to get through the morning with no problems but this afternoon my head is banging and my stomach is not all that crash hot either.  Is it bedtime yet???

I started the day with a hot water with a the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of Coconut Magic's Coconut Oil - it really is the best tasting coconut oil I have had, and it has many amazing health benefits also.  Check out the website.  Then about an hour later I had a juice with  apple/cucumber/celery.

My mid morning juice was another of Joe Cross's recipes - it was the Nashi Pear Juice - of which I used  a different pear, but it was still really good.  I love all this experimenting with different fruit and vege its so exciting.

For my afternoon juice I wanted a good ole favourite of mine from Jason Vale's 7lbs in 7Days Plan the "Passion 4 Juice Master Juice, but I needed a fresh banana - I have loads of frozen ones of which I could have used I imagine, but anyway I took a trip to the local fruit store.

And I got all these bananas for $1.35 - what a bargain.

And I picked up this nice big piece of watermelon to make a watermelon juice for later today.

Nana Nap - now I like the sound of that, I think I might just go and sleep off this nasty headache of mine and hope that tomorrow I wake feeling better.

Before I go here is a picture of the Passion 4 Juice Master that I made - now if you were lying by the pool you'd swear that you were drinking a mocktail - its that good.


  1. Hope your feeling better.

  2. My blog is www.faysjuicedetox.blogspot.com.au

  3. Thanks Fay - have woken up today and feel much better - last night was just awful. I will be sure to check out your blog.

  4. I am on day 1 of my juice detox. While I'm really excited to keep with it, I did just start a bit of a headache. So encouraged by your posts!

  5. Thanks Fay - good luck and let me know how you are going.

  6. Thanks Fay - good luck and let me know how you are going.

  7. Hi not so good today On Day 8 very fatigued today didnt want to drink juice at all. Ended up eating some chicken. Felt alot better after that. I am going to eat some nuts tomorrow and hope that helps
    or i am thinking of having a boiled egg think i need some protein. thanks. Fay
